My New Best Things in the World

New best things don’t have to be big.  Small ones can still make a big difference or just make us hugely happy.  MIne fit into both categories.

#1 New Best Thing:  Special eyeglasses made for the exact distance between my eyes and my cumputer screen, and well as the music on my piano.  I even picked a super fashionable set of frames.  I call them my “writing glasses.”  They reduce my eye fatigue–and therefore my overall fatigue–and make it possible for me to write for three times longer each day than I’ve been able to do for the past couple years.  Hooray!  They’ve changed my life radically.  Small change…big difference.

#2 New Best Thing:  Replacing carpet with wood floors.  This is always #1 or #2 on doctors’ list for people with respiratory problems but I couldn’t believe it would make enough difference to be worth the money.  Last month we took a bite out of of checkbook and replaced the carpet in half the house with wood floors.  Within days, I could breath better.  On days with dangerously bad air quality (for me), I no longer had to be sequested to a little room with a purifier running.  I could be in my family room, eat at the kitchen table, help cook meals, look outside at my garden.  My quality of life improved 800%.  I’m eager to pull up the carpet in the rest of the house but the checkbook needs to recover first.

Of course, neither of these best new things will bring about world peace, or the second coming of Christ, but my life way better and for now, that’s good enough for me!

Learning:  Even small changes can make a huge difference.  Keep trying small tweaks and be surprised.

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